Monday, 20 June 2011

The sun shines down on Portugal

Well I have to admit that it's worth it. I always avoided the weekend break to Portugal to visit the parents as I thought it was too much hassle. But what with the grey and miserable weather we had last week, the weekend has been worth it.

My sister and I flew over as a surprise for Father's Day and all being a little rushed it came together nicely and my father was ... surprised!

Portugal is such a relaxed country, and after all the cries of 'I can't believe it!' and "You buggers!" and a little 'I can't believe I didn't know!', I raced to my bedroom kicked off the clothes and pulled on the swimming gear and ran outside (those of you may think this is rather selfish, however my dad at this point was racing out the door to go golfing, so conscious was clear!). Jumping in the pool reminded me of the times we had when we were younger when all we cared about was who got in the pool first. We would have barely got the front door to the rental villa open before my sister and I would be working out the lock on the door to the patio and on to to the pool. These days it isn't quite that eager, but the haste is certainly still here.

Anyway, needless to say the weather in Portugal has been fabulous and up to the early 30s so in comparison to London's miserable grey it has been fantastic. Laying out and swimming with your family in the beautiful mediterranean sunshine is not a bad way to spend a weekend that if for sure! So for all you worriers, get yourself on a budget airline flight, and get over to Portugal for a weekend, it is highly needed on a medicinal level as well as spiritual.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

A new dawn

So I have been inspired and I have decided to announce the big news. I have finally come off my meds. I can't believe that it is over. Something that I was told that I was going to have to do for the rest of my life has only lasted 6 years and thanks to my incredible man, family and friends I am so happy to say that this won't be the case.

My life is just beginning and I am going to make sure that it is a damned good one. So get ready world. Vixxy is back, and she is ready to enjoy to the max. Hopefully I will be able to use this blog to update on this as well as highlight some significant topics that are close to my heart and that I am going to work extremely hard to support and increase awareness of throughout my life and it's adventures.